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contributors and co-workers
If you want to support this website or the Global Cooperation Network, your help is greatly appreciated. All work done so far is voluntary. We are not government-funded and do not receive any company support. Any sponsor of or contributor to this website or the GCN may have his or her name published here.


Lars Ebert (Physics graduate)
Founder of the Global Cooperation Network GCN

Born 1964 in Hilden, Germany; married, two children; lives in Dossenheim near Heidelberg
Studied Physics at Wuppertal and Giessen universities
Worked at Katalyse Umweltinstitut, Cologne,
 German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg and
 German Resource Center for Genome Research (RZPD), Berlin and Heidelberg.
Experience as an author, lecturer, webdesigner and photographer
Voluntary work with several NGOs such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Energiebüro Giessen.
Political work on local government level
Co-founder of a project for communal living near Heidelberg
At present working in the area of pure research in bioinformatics; data base specialist and project manager